Waste Management Facility
Priority Project...
Recently, we partnered with the locals of Wyola to tackle the local dump issue. The dump was not managed and there was not a sytem or means in place for trash removal creating over 300 of tons of trash that had accumulated over time, causing safety hazards and fires.
A Safety Issue...
Fire at the dump before the cleanup.
New Policies & Procedures
Another look at the clean up process. Now the site is fenced with a locking gate. There are set days and hours of operation and the removal of refuse is now scheduled.
300 Tons of Trash Removed
The scope of this project would be overwhelming to most people but not to the community of Wyola who came together and made it happen.
People Working Together...
We partnered with the locals to create a trash removal program and a sustainable waste management system. Together, we are transforming Wyola into a safe and healthy environment.
Health Issues Were Rampant...
Image taken during the clean up process
Volunteers on Site
We were amazed that we had so much local talent who could operate big equipment and local volunteers who weren't afraid to get their hands dirty for the betterment of their community.
Making Wyola Clean & Healthy
This clean up project had a huge environmental impact on the surrounding area not even considering the health impact on residents as well.